Dangerous Drug on the Rise: Alarming Consequences of Flakka Use

Chances are you probably haven’t heard of it yet. It’s surfacing in the news and several states are seeing surges in its use. Flakka, or alpha-PVP (alpha-pyrrolidinopentiophenone), first appeared in 2013 and has made its presence known particularly in Florida in recent months.

New! Other Drugs Intervention Program Released

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 24,000 people die annually due to a prescription opioid or sedative overdose. This number of overdose deaths is now greater than heroin and cocaine combined. In 2014, the U.S. consumed more than 80% of the global supply of opioids. The CDC estimated that nonmedical use of […]

High School Teens & Handling Conflict

3rd Millennium Classrooms will be introducing a new course called Respect & Resolve. Focused on high school students, it will address many components of conflict management, primarily healthy and unhealthy ways of responding to conflict.

Voluntary vs. Mandatory: Alcohol Awareness Courses Among First-Year College Students

College freshmen experience a number of transitional issues as they venture away from parental supervision into the world of free choice, especially as those decisions pertain to alcohol use. More often than not, research has shown that alcohol misuse and alcohol-related behaviors have a negative impact on a college student’s academic success.

Why Motivation and Determination Actually Matter

A recent article explores what types of treatments render the best results when treating substance use in individuals. The treatment success of alcohol and drug intervention programs can vary based on each individual’s internal motivation, social network or support. Generally, people who participate in programs like Alcoholics Anonymous (and other similar 12-step programs) tend to exhibit […]

Extended Intervention

If you want to learn how to play the piano, would you enroll in weekly one-hour lessons or a weekend intensive? Weekly lessons, right?

How Much Does Your Hangover Cost?

In short: $249 billion dollar a year. According to a recent study by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), that’s the country’s bill for excessive alcohol use each year. However, findings suggest that the true cost of excessive drinking may be even higher than estimated due to the underreporting or unavailability of information on alcohol.

Know Before You Owe

January, Senator Richard Durbin (D, IL) introduced The Know Before You Owe Act of 2013 to the Senate. America has already passed $1 trillion in student loan debt, and 52% of students aren’t taking full advantage of federal loans available to them. He believes it’s time to change that.