What Can You Do About Human Trafficking?

Modern slavery is the fastest-growing criminal industry in the world and generates more than $150 billion USD every year. As we settle into the new year, it’s important to recognize that January is not only a time for setting resolutions and goals—it’s also National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Contrary to popular belief, this […]


This weekend the 53rd NFL Superbowl will be held in Atlanta, Georgia. Amongst the hustle and bustle that comes along with large sporting events, human trafficking, specifically sex trafficking, will see a spike in activity. While it has been hard to gain solid statistics on numbers of individuals who are trafficked during these kinds of […]

Sex Trafficking and the COVID-19 Pandemic

How do stay-at-home orders, closed businesses, restricted movement, and quarantining affect traffickers and their victims? You might think that it would slow down, but the reality is that trafficking does not stop. In fact, as with other disasters, the COVID-19 pandemic has created new “opportunities” for traffickers. 

The Gig Economy Fights Sex Trafficking

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation recently honored InstaCart and DoorDash for their efforts to provide support and rescue for both victims of domestic violence and human trafficking.