The Crucial First Weeks of College: Addressing Underage Drinking

The first six to ten weeks of college are the most crucial for freshmen. While a student’s participation in underage drinking does not necessarily predict their academic future, it certainly has an impact on it. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) estimates that about 1,519 college students ages 18 to 24 die from […]

The Three Most Effective Approaches to Treating Alcoholism

While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, there are several proven approaches that have shown promising results in treating alcoholism. Scoring lowest on the totem pole were educational lectures and films, general alcoholism counseling, and psychotherapy – three of the most commonly practiced means of treatment over the past several decades. These methods include brief intervention, […]

What are the Signs of Alcohol Poisoning?

Alcohol poisoning is a serious and life-threatening condition. Unfortunately, many people do not know the signs of alcohol poisoning. As a result, there are many unnecessary alcohol poisoning deaths in America every year.

Evidence-Based Practices: Reflection and Evaluation

All courses designed and implemented by 3rd Millennium Classrooms incorporate evidence-based practices, which are key to receiving the most effective outcomes. One of the many practices we use is Reflection and Evaluation.

Common Issues that Teens Face

While teens today face many of the same challenges that teenagers have always dealt with, it’s safe to say that many common issues today’s teens face are new and evolving. Only a few short decades ago, the most common problems teens faced were starting a family and finding a career path. In fact, the word […]

4 Strategies to Quit Vaping

E-cigarettes—such as Juul, Vuse Alto, or similar products—may seem like a better alternative to smoking regular cigarettes, but they’re not harmless. As the body of research continues to grow around vaping, it’s becoming more clear that using e-cigarettes and other vaping products is unsafe for kids, teens, and adults. 

Signs Someone is Being Groomed for Sex Trafficking

Sex trafficking is a multibillion-dollar industry that affects approximately 5 million victims. It is a type of human trafficking, and modern-day slavery, that is defined by the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 as “the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act.” Although […]

The Difference Between Kleptomania and Stealing

Both kleptomania and traditional stealing are serious problems that are very harmful for both individuals and businesses. However, many people do not understand the fundamental differences between kleptomania and stealing. In this blog, we will break down each and explain the primary differences between the two.

Social Pressures Faced by Teens

Teens today face a wide variety of social pressures. These pressures and the way that teens deal with them can have a significant impact on their psychological development as they grow into adults.