College freshmen experience a number of transitional issues as they venture away from parental supervision into the world of free choice, especially as those decisions pertain to alcohol use. More often than not, research has shown that alcohol misuse and alcohol-related behaviors have a negative impact on a college student’s academic success.

Though mandating an alcohol awareness program doesn’t guarantee student participation, it significantly increases the odds that more students will be exposed to helpful, preventative information they may not necessarily seek on their own. A study reported that mandating an alcohol awareness program might actually improve student response rates, as well as overall awareness of alcohol-related consequences during the first year of college.

By making the courses mandatory, colleges can reach a larger portion of first-year students, regardless of their personal interest or motivation to learn about alcohol awareness. Mandatory courses also create a standardized learning experience for all students, ensuring everyone receives the same essential information and skills needed to make informed decisions. Requiring these courses at the beginning of a student’s college journey allows for early intervention and prevention of risky behaviors associated with alcohol.

Even though many young adults entering college have already been exposed to alcohol in some way, shape or form, requiring completion of an awareness course like Alcohol Wise ensures that the latest research, statistics and information is presented to them in a creative and relevant way.

All in all, the decision of whether an alcohol awareness program should be considered voluntary or mandated prior to a student’s arrival on campus is the institution’s choice. By focusing on mandating crucial courses like 3rd Millennium Classrooms’ Alcohol Wise, colleges and universities can help set the standard for online alcohol awareness and education, supporting successful prevention and resulting in a reduced need for intervention down the line.