Research shows that diversion programs not only reduce recidivism, but are less costly to the state than the court process and incarceration. Affordable, online diversion helps ease the stress of deadlines, streamlining the process for both courts and offenders. 

Most states acknowledge that for minor crimes, low-risk and first time offenders may be best served outside of the regular criminal court process of a plea, and sentence, and (in the case of a non-guilty plea) a trial. More effective than punishment, intervention can help offenders and can deter them from repeating or escalating their behaviors.

How Online Diversion Works


Many minor, nonviolent crimes, like alcohol and shoplifting violations, qualify for diversion, and some can be addressed through online diversion. Arresting agencies such as police forward reports from arrests or citation tickets to the prosecutor’s office. Prosecutor staff examine each case report and its circumstances to determine if the defendant qualifies for pretrial diversion. Thousands of courts and agencies use 3rd Millennium Classroom courses as an online pre-trial diversion program.  

Taking the Course

To avoid criminal charges, a defendant can complete online diversion courses from any computer, mobile device, or tablet. Our online diversion courses are designed for behavior modification to help offenders make better choices, like understanding triggers, understanding risks and consequences, and exploring alternatives. After completion of the course, proof of completion can be submitted immediately to the court. 

Benefits of online courses include:

  • Accessible: Complete the course from anywhere, anytime. No excuse for non-compliance
  • Self-paced: Offenders can log in and out, in one sitting or a bit at a time
  • No in-person classrooms: Provides convenience and prevents negative peer influences
  • Tailored to meet personal needs: Personalized feedback provided with each course

Online Diversion is a Win-Win

Online, evidence-based curriculum provides meaningful benefits for courts, offenders, and communities:

  • Alternative to prosecution
  • Lowers rate of recidivism 
  • Offender pays; no court fees
  • Saves resources

Bringing Online Diversion to Courts and Agencies

3rd Millennium Classrooms cares about helping justice system professionals create significant impact in their communities. By providing online intervention courses for common violations like underage drinking, marijuana possession, and shoplifting, we make diversion easy, and we help offenders rethink and redirect their behavior.

Are you considering using online diversion courses to help your clients? Learn more or get started by calling us at (888) 810 – 7990 or visiting our court page.