Our Stance on Marijuana Legalization

In 2013, only 7% of American Adults said they were pot users. Today, 14% of U.S. adults say they smoke marijuana. Over 7 million Americans smoke marijuana on a daily or near daily basis. About 2.8 million Americans meet the clinical criteria for dependence and 2.1 million for abuse.

Why Schools Need Early Marijuana Prevention

In December 2016, a National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) survey of drug use, showed a decline of marijuana use among 8th and 10th graders. While this is encouraging, there continues to be a higher rate of marijuana use in states with medical marijuana laws. Over 38% of high school seniors in those states reported past-year […]

“Dripping” is the Latest E-Cig Craze Popular with Teens

Teenagers are always first in line when it comes to finding new fads, so it’s no surprise they’ve discovered a new way to smoke electronic cigarettes. “Dripping” is a way of creating dense clouds of vapor. Teens like it for the fun visual effect it produces and many said it also provides a more flavorful […]

Why Domestic Violence Victims Don’t Leave

Firstly, it’s important to understand that leaving an abusive relationship is not as simple as just walking away. Victims of domestic violence often feel trapped and powerless, and their abusers may use various tactics to control and manipulate them. This can include physical violence, emotional abuse, financial control, and isolation from friends and family. As […]

Getting Sober and Tackling Challenges

Getting sober doesn’t mean all of your problems disappear. You’re still going to wake up on the wrong side of the bed some mornings and have bad days at work. That’s just part of life! But once you’ve chosen to stop drinking, you’ll need other ways of unwinding and sorting through things. That might seem […]

Common Title IX Investigation Mistakes

Title IX is a federal law that prohibits sexual discrimination of any kind under education programs or activities that are receiving Federal financial assistance. This civil right bans sex-based discrimination, which includes sexual harassment and sexual violence. As Title IX is a federal civil right, it automatically protects any individual who reports sexual harassment or […]

When Drugs are Used for Rape

Research has found that 75% of all acquaintance rapes involve drugs and/or alcohol. This is a huge number that emphasizes how important it is to be aware of the potential threat of being drugged and sexually assaulted. While alcohol alone can be part of an assault, many times there are also drugs involved.

NIAAA College Alcohol Policies

There is no doubt that drinking on college campuses is widespread. Whether it be at parties, tailgates, bars, or other events, alcohol can be easily found in a seemingly endless supply. Throw in the fact that many students are away from home, and their parents, for the first time in their lives, and this can […]

Recognizing Red Flags of Human Trafficking

The distressing reality is that victims of human trafficking are all around us, often hidden in plain sight. While the signs of human trafficking are subtle, and often hard to see, there are instances where people have seen something and decided to intervene. Here are some real life stories of awareness and action: