How to Prevent Alcohol Abuse in College Student Athletes

With high pressures to perform both in the game and in the classroom, student athletes have an unfortunately high alcohol abuse rate. With a work-hard, play-hard culture and unique social environments and peer pressures, student athletes are more likely to report heavy episodic drinking and subscribe to high-risk drinking as part of college party culture.
Promoting Student Wellness – How Educators Can Help

During the past year, schools nationwide were forced to make swift decisions that disrupted typical instructional routines and impacted student learning and wellbeing.
The Relationship Between Alcohol and Sexual Assault on College Campus

Both binge drinking and sexual assault are major issues for many colleges and universities nationwide. At least one half of sexual assault involves alcohol consumption. While alcohol consumption doesn’t cause sexual assault, it can play a major contributing role.
Online Diversion Programs: Making Justice More Restorative

Research shows that diversion programs not only reduce recidivism, but are less costly to the state than the court process and incarceration. Affordable, online diversion helps ease the stress of deadlines, streamlining the process for both courts and offenders.
Online Anti-Theft Class for Shoplifting Intervention

Anti-theft classes are designed to reduce repeat offenses in low-risk offenders who may have an addiction to stealing. 3rd Millennium Classrooms provides STOPLifting, an online educational course that may be mandated by a court, legal order, legal representative, parole or probation officer, or other agency for shoplifting or petty theft violations.
Facts About Bullying You Need to Know

Bullying is a harmful behavior that affects many students. In light of Bullying Prevention Month, here are some fast facts on bullying:
3 Tips for Teaching Emotional Regulation Skills to Students

With dramatic increases in students with anxiety and trauma from adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), educators must address emotional challenges in the classroom and rethink discipline. Research has shown that “children who have difficulty regulating their emotions have trouble learning in the classroom and are less productive and accurate when completing assignments,” (Graziano, Reavis, Keane, & […]
Bullying in 2020: Stopping Bullying During COVID-19

Going back to school during the COVID-19 pandemic is complicated enough. The crisis has changed a lot in education and brought many social issues into a new light. Unfortunately, 2020 has also seen a rise in certain types of bullying.
What is Bystander Intervention?

Bystander intervention is when someone who isn’t directly involved in a potentially harmful situation steps up to positively change what happens. Potentially harmful situations include sexual harassment or assault, bullying, or binge drinking. It’s easy to stand by and not help someone in a difficult situation, even if you know something isn’t right. But it’s […]
How COVID is Changing Human Trafficking

Chuck Paul, an anti-trafficking subject matter expert, recently explained how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting local trafficking victims.