3rd Millennium Classrooms’ online course Other Drugs serves as an intervention for students with drug misuse history. It also functions as a prevention tool, particularly for younger individuals vulnerable to peer pressure regarding illicit prescription drug use.

Other Drugs covers the main drug classes of: opiates, depressants, stimulants, and hallucinogens, including commonly misused prescription medications, such as Adderall, Ritalin, Vicodin, Oxycontin, Xanax, Ambien, and Fentanyl.

After taking Other Drugs, the individual will be able to:

  • Understand the mental, physical, and emotional effects associated with the four main categories of psychoactive drugs
  • Recognize symptoms of addiction, tolerance, and dependence for each drug category
  • Recognize the signs and stages of an overdose for each drug category
  • Take appropriate action in an overdose situation
  • Understand the similarities and effects abused prescription medications have with psychoactive drugs
  • Recognize proper uses of medications and scenarios in which they are necessary
  • Identify the dangers of prescription drug use as well as the potential and risk factors for misuse
  • Understand the addictiveness of legal and illegal opioids
  • Identify personal strategies for avoiding prescription drug misuse
  • Understand the effects depressants have and what that means for tolerance build-up and addiction
  • Debunk myths regarding effects of stimulants and better learning
  • Recognize that peer use is less common than typically perceived
  • Understand the dangers of sharing prescription medication
  • Analyze both classic and dissociative hallucinogens and their differing effects on both brain and body
  • Understand the dangers of mixing psychoactive drugs
  • Identify possible gateway drugs and the correlation between early use and higher addiction rates
  • Identify personal reasons for drug use
  • Recognize the importance of making a change to lessen or end personal drug use
  • Identify personal triggers for use
  • Develop a personalized strategy for making a change in drug use
  • Develop an action plan to deal with triggers and cravings

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