Why Motivation and Determination Actually Matter

A recent article explores what types of treatments render the best results when treating substance use in individuals. The treatment success of alcohol and drug intervention programs can vary based on each individual’s internal motivation, social network or support. Generally, people who participate in programs like Alcoholics Anonymous (and other similar 12-step programs) tend to exhibit […]
Voluntary vs. Mandatory: Alcohol Awareness Courses Among First-Year College Students

College freshmen experience a number of transitional issues as they venture away from parental supervision into the world of free choice, especially as those decisions pertain to alcohol use. More often than not, research has shown that alcohol misuse and alcohol-related behaviors have a negative impact on a college student’s academic success.
Reducing High-Risk Drinking in First and Second Year College Students

A recent study on 3rd Millennium Classrooms’ course Alcohol-Wise found that underclassmen who took the course reduced their peak BAC by 36% and their peak number of standard drinks by 30% while the control group reported a non-significant increase in peak drinking and a non-significant reduction in peak BAC. Excessive alcohol use is one of the leading causes of […]
New Study Focuses on Drug, Alcohol Assessment Tool for Counseling DWI Offenders

A recent publication in Addiction Science & Clinical Practice demonstrates how 3rd Millennium Classrooms is helping to change behavior and reduce the risks associated with alcohol and drug use by operators of motor vehicles. By incorporating evidence-based practices in motivational interviewing counseling sessions and by simplifying alcohol and drug risk assessments with the 3rdMil DWI/DUI Assessment, clients with DWI, DUI […]
Alcohol and Binge Drinking in College

Binge drinking is a common problem on many college and university campuses. Many college students see alcohol consumption as a normal part of partying and college life. They see drinking as a way to explore their newfound freedom and independence. However, harmful drinking and underage drinking can pose serious risks to students’ health, safety, and […]
Best School-Based Practices to Reduce Underage Drinking

Many educators and school leaders want to do more to prevent and reduce underage drinking. However, this is not an easy task. Teens constantly face peer pressure and natural curiosity, which both lead them to experiment with alcohol. Focus your school-based intervention program on behavioral, cognitive, and social skill-building in addition to character education and […]