Early Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship

New relationships often bring excitement and a sense of possibility. At first, everything may feel perfect, and it’s hard to imagine anything going wrong. However, as time goes on, it’s natural to notice your partner’s flaws—some minor and harmless, like preferring chocolate ice cream over your favorite vanilla, and others that may signal potential issues […]
Respect and Resolve Vs. Conflict-Wise JV

Developing a healthy style of communication is important to most people and considered a life skill that many desire. This skill can be developed at an early age and many educators are now making it a point to foster communication skills to help their students.
What is Bullying?

StopBullying.gov defines bullying as unwanted, aggressive behavior towards someone. It’s often repeated over a period of time and can cause lasting problems. There are fours types of bullying: