Tips to Navigate the Holiday Season

The holidays can be an exciting time — this usually means time off from school or work and the chance to relax! It can also mean traveling to spend time with friends and family and celebrating special traditions. With so many things to focus on over the holidays, here are three areas to concentrate on, […]

Handling Conflict During the Holidays

The holiday season is upon us! From Thanksgiving to Christmas to Hanukkah, these couple of months are bound to find you spending time with family — although sometimes it may be more family time than you would like. We love our families, but sometimes they can be difficult. Not all of us agree on politics, […]

What You Need To Know About Bullying

Bullying is a widespread problem—in the classroom, office, and beyond. And in recent years, due to widespread access and use of the internet, smartphones, and apps, bullying has taken on a new form: cyberbullying. It’s an issue that far too many individuals are familiar with: 1 in 5 high school students report being bullied at […]

How Cyberbullying Affects Teens

Bullying is not a new issue; however, in the past, teens would get relief from bullying when they left school and went home for the day. Now, because of smartphones, laptops, and other devices, teens can experience cyberbullying in addition to traditional forms of bullying. Cyberbullying is bullying that occurs on electronic devices. Cyberbullying can […]