Bullying is not a new issue; however, in the past, teens would get relief from bullying when they left school and went home for the day. Now, because of smartphones, laptops, and other devices, teens can experience cyberbullying in addition to traditional forms of bullying. Cyberbullying is bullying that occurs on electronic devices. Cyberbullying can occur through social media posts, text messages, emails, and more.

Cyberbullying is extremely common. In fact, roughly 50% of adolescents have been the victim of cyberbullying and roughly 50% have participated in cyberbullying others.


The Effects of Cyberbullying

  • Self-Harm – Young people who experience cyberbullying are at a greater risk of both self-harm and suicidal behaviors
  • Humiliation – Intense feelings of embarrassment that can feel permanent due to the nature of the internet
  • Isolation – Adolescents who are targeted by cyberbullying often feel alone. The fact that many don’t seek help with cyberbullying makes this problem worse.
  • Depression – Adolescents who are victims of cyberbullies often develop depression and high levels of anxiety as they feel like they cannot escape from feelings of harassment.
  • Increased Chance of Physical Illness – Cyberbullying victims often experience significantly higher levels of stress compared to non-victims. The result is that they can be more likely to develop physical conditions such as insomnia, headaches, chest pain, and other physical complications.
  • Low Self-Esteem – Being the victim of cyberbullying tends to significantly reduce self-esteem in adolescents. This is because the bullying is often aimed at physical appearance or social status, both of which can be highly sensitive issues for teens.
  • Dropping Grades – If a particular adolescent is being cyberbullied, it can cause them to feel overwhelmed and to lose interest in studying, which can result in lower grades and worse school performance.


Cyberbullying Statistics

  • Only 1 in 10 teens will inform their parents that they have been the victim of cyberbullying
  • Girls are more likely than boys to be the victim of cyberbullying
  • Fewer than 1 in 5 cyberbullying incidents are reported to law enforcement
  • Cyberbullying affects all races
  • 10 to 20 percent of adolescents experience cyberbullying on a regular basis
  • Cyberbullying victims are more likely to consider suicide
  • Instagram is the platform where most of the cyberbullying occurs


What Can Be Done to Prevent Cyberbullying

The first thing that parents should do to help prevent cyberbullying is to let their child know that it is okay to talk to them about cyberbullying. If a child feels like his or her parents can give them support for this issue, then they will be less likely to feel isolated, depressed, and hopeless.

Parents can also show the messages received by their teens to school authorities, or even to the police, to hold bullies accountable. This is especially true If the messages are threatening or sexual in nature. Teens can also be taught to block bullies in order to prevent them from being able to send harmful messages.

Teens should also be instructed not to participate in cyberbullying. They need to be fully aware of the damage it can do and the consequences it can have. The more conscious teens are about the problems that cyberbullying can create, the less likely they will be to participate in it.

Further, teens also need to be taught to never give anyone their social media passwords. A lot of cyberbullying can happen if social media passwords are compromised.


If you are ready to reduce the occurrence of cyberbullying on your campus,
check out our anti-cyberbullying course, Conflict-Wise JV. Learn more or request a course demo on our website.


  1. “Cyber Bullying Statistics.” Bullyingstatistics.org. http://www.bullyingstatistics.org/content/cyber-bullying-statistics.html
  2. “The Real-Life Effects of Cyberbullying on Children.” Very Well Family. https://www.verywellfamily.com/what-are-the-effects-of-cyberbullying-460558
  3. “11 Facts About Cyberbullying.” DoSomething.Org. https://www.dosomething.org/us/facts/11-facts-about-cyber-bullying
  4. “The Effects of Cyberbullying on an Individual.” Cyberwise. https://www.cyberwise.org/post/effects-of-cyberbullying-on-an-individual