The Truth Behind Popular Drinking Myths

If you’re like most Americans, you’ve probably heard a few things about drinking and “rules to follow.” However, many of those age-old sayings don’t hold up to the truth. Let’s look at some of the myths out there about drinking:
More Than ‘Just Say No’

With Spring Break coming up, the likelihood that underage individuals will be exposed to drinking increases. While young adults probably know about the dangers of drinking, standing up to peer pressure is hard. They want to fit in. They don’t want to be the only person not drinking. Having an answer other than just “no” […]
How To Tell If Someone Is Suffering From Alcohol Poisoning

Alcohol poisoning is the result of drinking too much alcohol in too little time. As a general rule, it’s best to avoid drinking more than one drink per hour. The consequences of alcohol poisoning are severe and can even be deadly.
Sex Trafficking and the COVID-19 Pandemic

How do stay-at-home orders, closed businesses, restricted movement, and quarantining affect traffickers and their victims? You might think that it would slow down, but the reality is that trafficking does not stop. In fact, as with other disasters, the COVID-19 pandemic has created new “opportunities” for traffickers.