With Spring Break coming up, the likelihood that underage individuals will be exposed to drinking increases. While young adults probably know about the dangers of drinking, standing up to peer pressure is hard. They want to fit in. They don’t want to be the only person not drinking. Having an answer other than just “no” can be helpful in these situations.

When the pressure is on, here a few things to say that are more than just “no:”

  • “I will get in huge trouble with my parents if I get caught drinking.”
  • “I don’t like the way it makes me feel.”
  • “I had a bad experience the last time I drank.”
  • “My family has a history of alcohol abuse, and I don’t want to expose myself to it.”
  • “I have to drive home tonight.”
  • “I don’t feel good right now, and alcohol will make it worse.”
  • “I’ve already had some to drink.”
  • “I can’t have it with my medication.”
  • “I don’t like the way it tastes.”
  • “I don’t want to get in legal trouble if I get caught for underage drinking.”
  • “I have work in the morning.”
  • “I’m not wasting my calories on alcohol.”
  • “I’ve got tryouts coming up and want to be at my best.”
  • “I would but I don’t want to make my parent(s) mad before they buy me XXX.”
  • “It goes against my personal/spiritual beliefs.”
  • “I don’t want to deal with the aftermath of drinking.”
  • “I don’t want anything influencing who I am.”

Have a safe spring break, and remember it’s okay to say no!

Want to see more other ways to say “no”? Check out our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram! Feel free to share these images on your page or pass them along to young adults in your life!