Safety Tips to Keep You Scare Free This Halloween

Halloween is just around the corner, and while it’s a thrilling time for spooky decorations, creative costumes, and candy galore, it’s also essential to keep safety in mind. Whether you’re trick-or-treating with your kids, going out with friends, or staying in to pass out candy, here are some tips to make sure you have a […]
5 Proactive Ways to Address Alcohol Use this Spring Break

Do you have proactive strategies in place to address alcohol use during Spring Break? Some cities and campuses have put broad strategies in place, working with local government and businesses. But even if you are not able to do that, you can do something locally. Check out some of these ideas below:
Keep Your Kids Safe This Summer

It’s still summer, and by this point, your kids may be getting antsy with all the time on their hands. That’s why it’s even more important to make sure that they are handling media responsibly.
Vaping Can Be Deadly. Learn the Signs.

There are reports all over the news about people dying from e-cigarette use. In just a little more than a month, 7 people across the nation have died due to vaping-related causes. This recent rise in deaths reminds us of the dangers of vaping and that it needs to be taken seriously and can’t be […]