5 Things Everyone Should Know About Fentanyl

The opioid crisis has been making headlines recently, with fentanyl as a particularly hot topic. If you work in education or in the justice system, you’ve probably heard or seen some of the damaging effects of this drug.  What is Fentanyl?  Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that was originally developed for medical purposes.  It’s intended […]

Substance Abuse Education to Combat Effects of COVID-19

Most of our nation has experienced many effects of COVID-19, even if we haven’t personally been sick. We don’t know the extent of how the virus will affect our nation’s public health, but there are a few things that we know so far. Many people have experienced isolation, anxiety, fear, depression, conflict, and abuse. Others […]

How High-Risk Behaviors Can Contribute to Relationship Violence

It’s no surprise that individuals who struggle with alcoholism or substance abuse tend to have a harder time controlling their anger. When someone is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, their inhibitions are lowered, and it is harder for them to control their actions. They are more likely to react in violent ways or […]

Benefits of Using Evidence-Based Behavior Change Strategies in Schools

Changing behavior is much easier when the right tools and resources are used. This is especially true when you apply evidence-based practices. All of 3rd Millennium Classrooms’ prevention and intervention courses incorporate evidence-based strategies, which are proven to be effective and designed specifically with middle and high school students and staff in mind.

What are Depressants?

How do depressants work? Depressants work on the nervous system, “depressing” the nervous system and lowering the body’s basic functions and brain activity. They slow down the neurotransmitters that allow your brain to communicate with the rest of the nerves in your body. This usually results in a feeling of relaxation, drowsiness, or mellowness. Depressants […]

Effects of Cannabis on the Adolescent Brain

There has been considerable debate in recent years over the risks of cannabis use, particularly among young people. While many advocates have argued that cannabis has few adverse effects and can even be beneficial in certain cases, scientific research has shown that this drug can cause a wide range of negative outcomes, including cognitive impairment […]

What are Hallucinogens?

Hallucinogens are a powerful group of drugs that can cause serious health consequences and potentially death. Despite the well-documented negative effects of the drugs, they continue to be widely used and abused across age groups, with an estimated 5.6 million people aged 12 or older who reported using them in 2015-2018.1 Often referred to as […]

Signs of Teen Substance Use

We all know that adolescence can be a challenging phase, and sometimes teens turn to drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism. As a parent, it can be scary to consider that your child may be drinking, vaping, or using drugs. Are you aware of the common issues that teens face? While teen mood swings are […]

What are Opioids?

The opioid crisis continues to affect families around the world. As the powerful class of drugs kill about 136 people1  in the U.S. each day, you may be wondering: what exactly are opioids?

Prescription Drug Misuse

Prescription drug misuse is on the rise in the United States, and its prevalence continues to impact communities around the nation. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), almost 7 million Americans – or 2.7% of the population – abuse prescription drugs. Certain populations, such as youth and older adults, are at particular […]