Changing behavior is much easier when the right tools and resources are used. This is especially true when you apply evidence-based practices. All of 3rd Millennium Classrooms’ prevention and intervention courses incorporate evidence-based strategies, which are proven to be effective and designed specifically with middle and high school students and staff in mind.

Benefits of using evidence-based behavior change resources include:



Easy Implementation

Evidence-based strategies are methods that have been implemented and evaluated in real-world settings, including public and private schools. Using this research, strategies have been revised and adapted to identify what works best and what is practical to implement. School staff and administrators are pressed for time during the school day; therefore, it’s not practical or useful to create a long or complicated course. This is why a majority of our courses are 1-2 hours and the longest are 3-4 hours. Students can complete courses in class or on their own time, with any internet-connected device. Additionally, staff and students can be provided with user-friendly instructions and materials to encourage positive learning outcomes.



A Comprehensive Approach

Rather than using a single approach, evidence-based programs often incorporate several strategies. When combined, these strategies have a greater impact on middle and high school students. We recognize that individuals are impacted in different ways, which is one reason why incorporating a variety of approaches has a greater impact than relying on a single approach. Some of the strategies used in 3rd Millennium courses include: challenging expectations, providing personalized feedback, addressing risk perception, and using a goal-oriented counseling style known as “motivational interviewing.” This multi-pronged, interactive approach is an effective way to promote better outcomes among participants. 



Effective, Longer Lasting Outcomes 

Decades of research have helped identify which theories and models work and which don’t. This research is ongoing, and all of our courses include the most up-to-date evidence and practices. While the subject of our courses vary—from alcohol and cannabis to well-being and dealing with conflict—the goal remains the same: promote positive results in changing or preventing harmful behavior. In some cases, a person will change their behavior and the results will only last for days or weeks. By incorporating evidence-based changes, it is more likely the positive behavior change will continue for many years.



Changes Across Behaviors

Our courses are tailored to change specific behaviors which are common among middle and high school students, such as heavy drinking, illicit drug use, and shoplifting. However, the benefits of evidence-based strategies extend far beyond those specific behaviors. For example, the course Nicotine 101 teaches participants about protective behaviors, which are strategies to “say no” during risky situations. The practical strategies are designed to be applied across behaviors to help participants make healthy choices in all aspects of their lives.



Increased Motivation

By incorporating evidence-based strategies in our courses, we present participants with the necessary tools, resources, and support to increase their motivation to change at school and at home. Personalized feedback is an especially helpful tool to guide participants to make positive changes. Using eCHECKUP TO GO, participants receive personalized feedback and a summary report, which is designed to facilitate change. 


As research continues to evolve, we will continue to implement further evidence-based tools and strategies in all 3rd Millennium courses. This is ultimately what makes our courses effective and helps produce favorable outcomes for tens of thousands of middle and high school students every year. Learn more by connecting with one of our Secondary Market Program Directors.