More than 50 years ago, Title IX was enacted. The federal civil rights law continues to play a vital role in protecting people from sex-based discrimination, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, and more. Despite its half century existence, many people aren’t fully aware of the rights under Title IX. As the law continues to positively impact individuals around the country–especially girls and women–it’s important to understand more about it. Below are five reasons why training staff for Title IX matters:

Know Your Rights

If you work for a school or university which receives any amount of federal funding, you’re protected. This law extends to both part- and full-time faculty and staff, including teachers, administration, custodians, coaches, and others. Evidence-based Title IX courses, such as Consent & Respect Staff, help staff and faculty understand their rights under Title IX. Such courses teach participants that they cannot be discriminated against because of their gender and are legally required to be treated equally and fairly.

Recognize Behaviors

Title IX protects individuals who experience sexual violence. This is a broad term which extends to many types of behaviors. In Title IX training, staff learn warning signs for various types of abusive behaviors and definitions for terms such as consent, sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, and stalking. Knowing how to recognize those behaviors can help staff understand what they should report and how to handle a range of scenarios.

Understand Reporting Procedures

Title IX training also proactively prepares staff about how to report gender or sex-based discrimination or harassment, if it occurs to themself or others. Reporting procedures and systems vary by campus; however, Consent & Respect Staff tailors information specific to your campus. Regardless of the system, any school protected by Title IX, must have a reporting procedure with clear steps that is easily accessible to staff and students. Under Title IX, employees are protected from retaliation when reporting violations of any kind. 

Protect Others and Yourself

With proper Title IX training, individuals can help protect themselves and others from harmful situations. When a report is filed, the institution is required to take action, address the situation, and implement concrete changes to prevent it from happening again. In all incidents, victims’ privacy is kept. Title IX training helps staff feel empowered to protect themselves and others in the decision-making process.

Prevent Violence on Campus

Institutions that commit to campus well-being and develop a rapport for taking Title IX seriously can help prevent violence on campus. Training which includes real life scenarios and examples can help staff know how to recognize and proceed during violent situations. Training helps staff learn strategies for how to protect themselves and students from partner stalking, including cyberstalking, among other relevant situations. One of the main goals of Title IX training is to position faculty and staff as advocates who work directly with students.