Did you know research shows that the more the community support a school has, the better their students perform and the more success a school sees? It can be hard at first to build these connections, but here are some tips for doing so.

#1 Write a weekly newspaper column or email

By updating the community on what’s going on at your school, you can increase buy-in from the community and from parents. It will give them insight into what’s going on and give you an opportunity to talk about both the successes and obstacles the school is facing. Maybe even consider using students who are interested in journalism to help you with this.

#2 Have a career fair and open house with local businesses

Work with local businesses to come and talk about themselves. Students can learn about different kinds of jobs and career options. You can also use this as an open house for students to put their best work on display. This will help both the students and the community increase their sense of unity.

#3 Engage with local businesses or civic groups

Developing partnerships with the community and other civic groups will help to solidify your school’s cultural role in the community. This can also open doors to receiving funding for special programs or events at the school. 

#4 Use social media to create public engagement

Use social media as another tool to talk about what is happening at the school. Using this in addition to a newsletter is a great way to increase parent involvement and engagement in the school and their kids’ lives. The community will also be excited to see the school from this perspective.

#5 Have local business professionals give presentations

Consider having local business professionals come to your school to give a presentation that has to do with certain subjects. For instance, a geologist might speak in the science class or a news anchor might speak in a language arts class. This is great exposure for students, and people are usually looking forward to a change in scenery every once in a while for work.

In today’s world, it’s essential to connect with the community in new and exciting ways. We hope that these tips are helpful as you plan for the new year and build stronger relationships with your community!



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