Benefits of Using Evidence-Based Behavior Change Strategies in Schools
Changing behavior is much easier when the right tools and resources are used. This is especially true when you apply evidence-based practices. All of 3rd Millennium Classrooms’ prevention and intervention courses incorporate evidence-based strategies, which are proven to be effective and designed specifically with middle and high school students and staff in mind.
Sexual Assault Prevention on College Campuses
Sexual assault is a major problem in colleges and universities across the nation. In fact, every year, sexual assault cases at college campuses make headlines across the country. Recently, colleges and universities have strengthened their efforts to comply with Title IX and the Clery Act, which are federal laws demanding that campus communities are fully informed about […]
Best School-Based Practices to Reduce Underage Drinking
Many educators and school leaders want to do more to prevent and reduce underage drinking. However, this is not an easy task. Teens constantly face peer pressure and natural curiosity, which both lead them to experiment with alcohol. Focus your school-based intervention program on behavioral, cognitive, and social skill-building in addition to character education and […]
Is the Way You Cope Helping or Hurting You?
All of us have different ways of coping. We cope when we are dealing with stress. When we are in high-pressure situations. When we are frustrated, angry, or emotional. When we are worried or scared. We all cope in one way or another.
Course Highlight: Under the Influence JV
Alcohol violations among juveniles have been on the rise in recent years. Many factors contribute to alcohol violations, including peer pressure, lack of supervision, and young people having easy access to alcohol. Evidence-based alcohol intervention programs can help the next generation learn how to consider their options and make better decisions.
Teen Drinking Risk Factors and Consequences
Underage drinking is a serious health problem for young people that poses serious health and safety risks. Those most at risk are teens who drink heavily, or binge drink. Various biological, psychological, and social factors put youth at risk for alcohol use and alcohol-related problems.
How to Prevent Teen Vaping
In recent years, vaping has become a public health epidemic. Since 2014, e-cigarettes have been the most commonly used tobacco product among youth. In 2020, about 1 in 5 high school students in the United States reported using e-cigarettes in the past month. 3.6 million young people are currently using e-cigarettes — exceeding traditional cigarettes.
Bullying and Cyberbullying
“Bullying” is usually used to describe aggressive behaviors for children and teenagers, but bullying can also describe harassment that takes place in college or the workplace.
Building Resilience to Cope with Adversity
Resilience is the ability to bounce back from a difficult situation or to cope with stress or adversity. Stress can come in many forms: relationship struggles, sickness (your own or that of a loved one), drastic change in your environment, isolation, or uncertainty.
NO MORE’s 7th Annual Challenge: Change Happens Here
NO MORE’s seventh annual NO MORE Week is March 8-14, 2020. The goal of NO MORE is to bring awareness about sexual violence and to end domestic violence and sexual assault.