Resilience is the ability to bounce back from a difficult situation or to cope with stress or adversity. Stress can come in many forms: relationship struggles, sickness (your own or that of a loved one), drastic change in your environment, isolation, or uncertainty. 

A resilient person is more likely to:

  • Take action when faced with challenges or problems
  • Seek support and assistance when needed
  • Have a sense of purpose
  • Form and maintain positive, healthy relationships 
  • Choose healthy ways to cope with difficulties
  • Thrive in difficult situations (not just to survive)

Many people are dealing with stress and anxiety in this time of sheltering-in-place and quarantining due to the COVID-19 virus so we wanted to provide some tips for building resilience:

  1. Find ways to connect
  2. Take care of yourself
  3. Manage stress

Finding ways to connect is important and can be done even during quarantine. Utilize digital options, like Facetime, Google Hangouts, Kakao, and many others. And when you connect, take the time to really connect. Look them in the eyes. Ask questions. Listen to their answers.

Taking care of yourself means that you acknowledge your weaknesses but also your strengths. Take care of yourself by getting rest, eating well, and staying active. Establish a new “quarantine routine” and stick with it to create a new sense of normal. Focus on the positive and reframe your thinking by turning thoughts like, “I hate being stuck in this house” to “I finally have the time and opportunity to do that decluttering I’ve been meaning to do.” 

Manage stress by identifying things that you can do to lift up your spirits and building them into your daily routine. 

Get more information on these topics, as well as practical tips and ideas for yourself and for your kids by downloading our free PDF, “Building Resilience to Cope with Adversity” below.

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