Do you have offenders with shoplifting violations? With Black Friday and the holiday season just around the corner, it’s likely you’ll have some soon if you don’t already. If you’re a court looking for an effective, easy-to-set-up intervention for these individuals, check out our course STOPLifting

If you or someone you know has been court-ordered to take a shoplifting course, STOPLifting is a great solution for you as well.

STOPLifting is a seven-part online course that can be used to address shoplifting violations. The lesson pages and topics are short, interactive, and include audio narration. Notification of course completion is automatically sent to the individual or court. 

A personalized MY Summary feedback report is provided at the end of the course and helps clients reflect on their behaviors, consequences, attitudes, and beliefs. It also helps clients identify the following:

  • Personal motives for shoplifting
  • Strategies to manage impulsive behavior
  • Ways to manage stress
  • Strategies to mitigate negative peer influences

After completing STOPLifting, individuals will be able to:

  • Examine beliefs and attitudes about shoplifting
  • Develop tools and strategies to quit shoplifting
  • Examine reasons they shoplifted and how they feel about it now
  • Understand that shoplifting affects store owners, employees, individual’s family, and the community they live in, not just the individual
  • Discuss how shoplifting can become addictive and compulsive without an intervention
  • Understand legal and personal consequences for shoplifting
  • Discover differences between grand and petty theft
  • Discuss how shoplifting can impact an individual’s future
  • Examine personal values and how they impact decision-making, especially in regards to shoplifting
  • List illegal and prescription drug use that may influence shoplifting impulses
  • Reflect on why they started shoplifting in the first place, i.e., what was happening in the individual’s life at the time, how they were feeling, etc.
  • Self-examine shoplifting habits and patterns
  • Discuss what personal life changes are necessary to stop shoplifting
  • Assess top reasons why they shoplift
  • Challenge common shoplifter misconceptions
  • Look at practical steps to curb shoplifting and decide which will help them the most
  • Look at different ways to manage stress as an alternative to shoplifting

STOPLifting helps offenders move from ambivalence to awareness to change in behavior, which is why STOPLifting is used by hundreds of courts across the country.

To get set up with STOPLifting today, visit or contact us by calling (888) 810-7990.