According to a study published in the journal “Pediatrics”, “men who recalled being frequent bullies in school were four times more likely to physically abuse their partner than those who reported never bullying in school.” The study also found a link between “bullying others at school and perpetration of IPV (intimate partner violence).” The report concluded that “Individuals who are likely to perpetuate abusive behaviors against others may do so across childhood into adulthood.”

While this study isn’t the end-all, be-all of behavior, it supports other studies that have similar findings. And it makes sense; if a student gets away with bullying when they are younger, why shouldn’t they get away with bullying when they are older? Students that get away with this behavior, or who do not receive proper intervention for it is told the message “what they do is okay as long as they don’t get caught.”

The study indicates that identifying bullies when they are young and changing their behavior can have significant, positive consequences. If you are a teacher or administrator, you have a unique opportunity to do this while students are still young. If you’re wondering how to provide an effective, impactful intervention for bullying, consider using one of our courses. 

3rd Millennium Classrooms’ course Conflict-Wise JV can be used as an intervention to address bullying and anger violations. Conflict-Wise JV helps students recognize the impact of their behavior and provides skill training to resolve conflict and diffuse anger. Conflict-Wise JV covers the following topics:

  • Identify their behavior type, thought process, and thinking style
  • Explore how personal identity, values and core beliefs affect how they interact with others
  • Differentiate between healthy and unhealthy responses to conflict
  • Identify types of harassment such as bullying, sexting, cyber harassment, stalking and assault
  • Assess their online behavior and its potential impact
  • Choose their own strategies to best manage stressful situations and anger triggers
  • Recognize the risks and consequences of their actions
  • Choose conflict resolution strategies that work best for them
  • Recognize, interrupt, and replace anger with an appropriate anger management tool
  • Build empathy and communication skills
  • And more!

We also have a prevention course Respect & Resolve that helps students build strong, healthy relationships from the start. Respect & Resolve covers a host of topics including sexting, bullying, intimate partner violence, building confidence, conflict management, and bystander intervention. Respect & Resolve will help students identify bullying behaviors and how to set boundaries for what’s okay and what’s not okay in friendships and relationships.

This October, National Bullying Prevention Month and Domestic Violence Awareness Month, let’s take a stand against bullying and domestic violence by equipping students with the skills to build healthy relationships both now and later on in life. 


To get set up with either of these courses mentioned in this post, contact us today by calling (888) 810-7990 or visiting our website at