At 3rd Millennium, we are committed to providing the best possible solutions for your students and clients. One of the ways we do this is by incorporating evidence-based practices into our courses. One of these practices is “risk perception.”

Risk perception is a measurement of how much of a risk someone thinks a certain behavior has. 

For example, it’s obvious to most people that driving with a blind-fold on is a high-risk behavior because the likelihood of crashing is high. However, other behavior such as driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs may not be perceived as a high-risk behavior because its consequences are not always as immediate or as obvious. 

Individuals who believe that a behavior is low-risk are more likely to engage in that behavior. 

Throughout our courses, unhealthy habits and behaviors which are believed to be low-risk are challenged against actual high-risk consequences. We counter their beliefs by aligning risks with negative consequences, such as hangovers, injuries, legal consequences, substance dependency, poisoning, and overdose. 

Once individuals are able to make the association between their behaviors and their consequences, they are much less likely to continue engaging in those behaviors. Our courses also help individuals think about consequences in the future about their behaviors. This allows them to make informed decisions even after taking our courses.

Learn more about our evidence-based practicessign up for a course or call (888)-810-7990 for more information today!

Want to learn about our other evidence-based practices? Check out: Motivational Interviewing, Normative Perceptions, and Personalized Feedback!