7 Things We’ve Learned in 25 Years in Behavioral Health

As we celebrate 25 years of service in behavioral health, we’re taking this milestone as an opportunity to reflect on the valuable lessons we’ve learned along the way. We’ve worked with over 4 million individuals in thousands of colleges, secondary schools and courts/agencies in the country. Here are seven essential insights from our journey: 1. […]
What is Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)?

What is Social Emotional Learning? Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is a framework that equips individuals with essential life skills to understand themselves and others, manage emotions, build strong relationships, and make responsible decisions.
Why Prevention Education Helps Secondary Students

As the summer unfolds, administrators are proactively seeking new prevention solutions for the upcoming school year. Summer is the perfect time to prepare for the challenges that lie ahead, ensuring that students are equipped with the skills and support they need to thrive.
Evidence-Based Practices: Normative Perceptions

At 3rd Mil, we use evidence-based practices in all of our courses. One of these practices is to address Normative Perceptions.
Evidence-Based Practices: Risk Perception

At 3rd Millennium, we are committed to providing the best possible solutions for your students and clients. One of the ways we do this is by incorporating evidence-based practices into our courses. One of these practices is “risk perception.”
Evidence-Based Practices: Motivational Interviewing

At 3rd Millennium Classrooms, we strive to have evidence-based practices incorporated into all of our courses. One of these practices is Motivational Interviewing.
Benefits of Using Evidence-Based Behavior Change Strategies in Schools

Changing behavior is much easier when the right tools and resources are used. This is especially true when you apply evidence-based practices. All of 3rd Millennium Classrooms’ prevention and intervention courses incorporate evidence-based strategies, which are proven to be effective and designed specifically with middle and high school students and staff in mind.