Get School Year Ready with Online Title IX Training

Title IX is a federal law that prohibits sexual discrimination at any educational institution receiving federal financial assistance. This civil right bans sex-based discrimination, which includes sexual harassment and sexual violence. When a student has experienced any of these situations and reports them to the school, the school must stop the discrimination, prevent it from […]
Course Highlight: Consent & Respect

Are you still looking for a Title IX training solution for your campus? Wondering how best to prepare students for healthy relationships and train them to be more than just bystanders? All the while still meeting your school’s requirements?
Sexual Assault, Alcohol, and College

Though sexual assault is a widespread problem, college students around the country are experiencing this issue at higher rates than the general population. In fact, sexual violence is more prevalent on college campuses than any other crime. According to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN), college-aged women are twice as likely to be […]