Are you still looking for a Title IX training solution for your campus? Wondering how best to prepare students for healthy relationships and train them to be more than just bystanders? All the while still meeting your school’s requirements?

Look no further! Consent & Respect will help you cover your Title IX and Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act (SaVE Act) requirements.

With Consent & Respect, students on your campus will explore the crucial concepts of consent, healthy relationships, bystander empowerment, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and stalking. Students will know where to go and who to talk to for help in your community. They also learn about their rights as students.

Consent & Respect Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the importance of giving and receiving consent
  • Discuss their student rights under Title IX
  • Know safe and positive strategies for bystanders to use in potentially violent situations
  • Be knowledgeable about “next steps” and campus-specific support services for survivors of sexual violence
  • Develop strategies for reducing the risk of alcohol and drug-facilitated sexual violence
  • Know warning signs of abusive behavior in intimate partner relationships
  • Know the role of men as advocates against sexual violence
  • Dispel personal myths and common misconceptions about sexual assault
  • Develop strategies to bring about change in attitudes about sexual violence on their campus
  • Discuss the important role respect for self and others plays in facilitating healthy relationships
  • Know how establishing boundaries for various situations can help prevent adverse outcomes
  • Relay steps for reporting and preserving evidence of a sexual assault
  • Know how to provide survivors of sexual assault with assistance and support

Consent & Respect also has some great features:

  • Each campus can include policies, reporting procedures, and resources specific to their campus community
  • Custom campus definitions for sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking, and consent
  • Includes a marketing toolkit for campus-wide promotions
  • Included in our Consent & Respect Suite

In addition to our student version of Consent & Respect, we have a staff version available too. This will cover similar topics and make sure your staff is trained in trauma-informed care. 

If you’re interested in both Consent & Respect Student & Staff, consider using our Consent & Respect Suite. This will give you unlimited access to these courses and to our Campus Climate Survey course. You can learn more about these courses by visiting

We also have a high school version of Title IX training available called Respect & Resolve.