Title IX is a federal law that prohibits sexual discrimination at any educational institution receiving federal financial assistance. This civil right bans sex-based discrimination, which includes sexual harassment and sexual violence. When a student has experienced any of these situations and reports them to the school, the school must stop the discrimination, prevent it from happening again, and address the effects it has caused.

There are 3 areas a campus must address in their annual security reports (ASR) to be in compliance with Title IX:

  1. Procedural Notifications
    • There should be clear steps for a student to take if he or she has been sexually assaulted and wants to report it. This information should be easily accessible by all students and staff.
  2. Disciplinary Procedures
    • Your ASR should include the steps that will be taken when sexual assault has been reported. This includes personnel involved in each step and information about how the victims’ privacy will be kept.
  3. Education and Training
    • Campuses are required to provide education to staff and students about consent, rape, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.

For a complete Campus SaVE Act Compliance Checklist, click here.


To help make sure your campus meets its Title IX educational requirements, 3rd Millennium Classrooms offers a suite of online prevention courses:

  • Consent & Respect is a brief online course that provides college students with facts about sexual assault, consent, intimate partner violence, stalking, warning signs of abusive behavior, the role of men as advocates, and safe and positive options that will empower bystanders in potentially high-risk situations.
  • Consent & Respect Staff can be used with all staff and faculty.
  • A customizable Campus Climate Survey that measures the prevalence of sexual assault and gauge students’ attitudes and behaviors.

Fully customizable with campus-specific procedures and reporting policies, the Consent & Respect Suite satisfies the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act (SaVE Act) requirement for educational programming. View a sample of Consent & Respect here.


In addition to our Consent & Respect Suite, 3rd Millennium Classrooms has many other prevention programming options. Visit here to learn more.