Sex Trafficking and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Course Highlight: THC 101

THC 101 is a personalized, interactive cannabis intervention course with versions designed for both adults and juveniles in courts, middle and high schools, and colleges.
Get Involved: Anti-Trafficking Resources

Over the past couple of years, 3rd Millennium Classrooms has been working with subject-matter experts to provide human identification and intervention training and resources. In honor of Human Trafficking Awareness & Prevention month, we wanted to provide you with a list of our most-used collateral!
Is Human Trafficking Happening in Your Classroom?

You’ve probably been in school for a little bit by this point and gotten to know your students better. Do any of your students seem “off”? Maybe they don’t quite meet your eyes when they talk to you or they have already had some unexcused absences?
Grooming: A First Step in Human Trafficking

In our previous blog, we discussed how to identify victims of human trafficking and how to properly report them. A topic that can be just as important as identifying victims of human trafficking is grooming.
Sex Trafficking and the COVID-19 Pandemic

How do stay-at-home orders, closed businesses, restricted movement, and quarantining affect traffickers and their victims? You might think that it would slow down, but the reality is that trafficking does not stop. In fact, as with other disasters, the COVID-19 pandemic has created new “opportunities” for traffickers.