THC 101 is a personalized, interactive cannabis intervention course with versions designed for both adults and juveniles in courts, middle and high schools, and colleges.

THC 101 is geared toward individuals with violations such as marijuana possession, selling marijuana, or drugged driving. The course includes multiple lessons addressing THC’s effects on health, changes in cannabis and it’s potency, driving under the influence, state-specific laws, and drug interactions.

Integrating the eCHECKUP TO GO brief intervention for cannabis into the course, THC 101 also includes a 30-day follow-up to measure changes in individuals’ attitudes and behavior. Individuals receive a confidential profile that summarizes personal cannabis-related problems, compares use habits with social norms, challenges personal expectancies, and provides a range of strategies for changing behavior and reducing use.



After taking THC 101, the student will be able to:

  • Self-assess patterns of use on a daily, weekly and monthly basis
  • Identify reasons for using 
  • Understand how cannabis has changed over the years
  • Recognize negative health effects of use on respiratory system and brain function and development
  • Recognize links to schizophrenia, acute psychotic reactions and impact on IQ from persistent use
  • Discuss both long- and short-term impacts of cannabis use on user’s life
  • Recognize possible legal consequences from cannabis use, even in states where it is legal for certain uses
  • Compare use and perception of use to other individuals
  • Understand how long cannabis can affect the body
  • Categorize the “good things” and “not-so-good” things about their cannabis use to identify with the outcomes
  • Understand how cannabis use may increase the likelihood of using other drugs and/or alcohol
  • Examine other substance use and how it interacts with cannabis
  • Examine how social situations can influence cannabis use
  • Understand how cannabis use impacts driving ability
  • Discuss amotivational syndrome that can result from extended cannabis use
  • Examine financial costs and impact of extended cannabis use
  • Discuss how age impacts the likelihood of cannabis addiction
  • Evaluate the positive things they can expect to gain from not using cannabis
  • Identify goals and aspirations that will be helpful in making a change in their personal cannabis use
  • Identify strategies they can use to make a change in their cannabis use
  • Review a confidential, in-depth eCHECKUP TO GO summary based on their personal cannabis use

3rd Millennium Classrooms offers THC 101 in court, college, and secondary versions. Visit 3rd Millennium Classrooms to sign up or get more information today.