Early Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship

New relationships often bring excitement and a sense of possibility. At first, everything may feel perfect, and it’s hard to imagine anything going wrong. However, as time goes on, it’s natural to notice your partner’s flaws—some minor and harmless, like preferring chocolate ice cream over your favorite vanilla, and others that may signal potential issues […]
Sex Trafficking and the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Gig Economy Fights Sex Trafficking

National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month

January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. The purpose of this campaign is to raise awareness of human trafficking both nationally and globally and to educate people on ways they can help bring an end to it.
Check Us Out On The News!

In 2016, the Texas State Secretary established the Texas Businesses Against Trafficking (TBAT) partnership for businesses across the state to stand together against human trafficking. This partnership encourages businesses to adopt a zero tolerance policy for human trafficking, train their employees on how to identify and report human trafficking victims, and encourage the businesses they […]
Get Involved: Anti-Trafficking Resources

Over the past couple of years, 3rd Millennium Classrooms has been working with subject-matter experts to provide human identification and intervention training and resources. In honor of Human Trafficking Awareness & Prevention month, we wanted to provide you with a list of our most-used collateral!
Is Human Trafficking Happening in Your Classroom?

You’ve probably been in school for a little bit by this point and gotten to know your students better. Do any of your students seem “off”? Maybe they don’t quite meet your eyes when they talk to you or they have already had some unexcused absences?
What Can You Do About Human Trafficking?

Modern slavery is the fastest-growing criminal industry in the world and generates more than $150 billion USD every year. As we settle into the new year, it’s important to recognize that January is not only a time for setting resolutions and goals—it’s also National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Contrary to popular belief, this […]
Sex Trafficking and the COVID-19 Pandemic

How do stay-at-home orders, closed businesses, restricted movement, and quarantining affect traffickers and their victims? You might think that it would slow down, but the reality is that trafficking does not stop. In fact, as with other disasters, the COVID-19 pandemic has created new “opportunities” for traffickers.
The Gig Economy Fights Sex Trafficking

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation recently honored InstaCart and DoorDash for their efforts to provide support and rescue for both victims of domestic violence and human trafficking.