Online Anti-Theft Class for Shoplifting Intervention

Anti-theft classes are designed to reduce repeat offenses in low-risk offenders who may have an addiction to stealing. 3rd Millennium Classrooms provides STOPLifting, an online educational course that may be mandated by a court, legal order, legal representative, parole or probation officer, or other agency for shoplifting or petty theft violations.
The Relationship Between Alcohol and Sexual Assault on College Campus

Both binge drinking and sexual assault are major issues for many colleges and universities nationwide. At least one half of sexual assault involves alcohol consumption. While alcohol consumption doesn’t cause sexual assault, it can play a major contributing role.
How You Can Support Survivors of Sexual Assault

Depending on your life experiences, you may find it difficult to talk to someone who has experienced sexual assault. Every person will react differently to a sexually violent experience, and it’s important to follow the survivor’s lead. However, keeping a few things in mind, you can help create a safe place for a survivor to […]
Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention

According to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), more than 250,000 people are sexually assaulted each year in the United States. Combatting these statistics and making a difference in someone’s life takes only a few simple steps as we observe Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month this April. “It’s not always easy to […]
Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM)

Unfortunately today is seems that we hear reports about sexual assault more often than not. It happens on college campuses and at high school parties. It happens to married people and to single people. It happens to both guys and girls, younger and older.
NO MORE’s 7th Annual Challenge: Change Happens Here

NO MORE’s seventh annual NO MORE Week is March 8-14, 2020. The goal of NO MORE is to bring awareness about sexual violence and to end domestic violence and sexual assault.