What are the Different Types of Shoplifters?

Shoplifters have different motivations for shoplifting. What are the motives for each type, and why would a person continue to shoplift in spite of negative consequences?
Online Anti-Theft Class for Shoplifting Intervention

Anti-theft classes are designed to reduce repeat offenses in low-risk offenders who may have an addiction to stealing. 3rd Millennium Classrooms provides STOPLifting, an online educational course that may be mandated by a court, legal order, legal representative, parole or probation officer, or other agency for shoplifting or petty theft violations.
The Relationship Between Alcohol and Sexual Assault on College Campus

Both binge drinking and sexual assault are major issues for many colleges and universities nationwide. At least one half of sexual assault involves alcohol consumption. While alcohol consumption doesn’t cause sexual assault, it can play a major contributing role.
Course Highlight: STOPLifting

Do you have offenders with shoplifting violations? If you’re a court looking for an effective, easy-to-set-up intervention for these individuals, check out our course STOPLifting.
The Real Impact of Shoplifting

The holiday season is approaching, and with that comes the likelihood someone will shoplift. While it may not seem like a big deal, shoplifting has a bigger impact than many realize.