Do you have clients with shoplifting violations? Are you tired of seeing them in your courts for the same charges again and again?

The holiday season isn’t the only time when shoplifters are busy. With teens out of school and free time on their hands, shoplifting tends to increase during the summer months. Unfortunately, many of these shoplifters are repeat offenders.

What can make a difference? Personalized feedback. Along with motivational interviewing style questions, personalized feedback helps offenders move from ambivalence to awareness. This evidence-based practice for behavior change is why STOPLifting is used by hundreds of courts across the country.

Read more about why 3rd Mil’s online courses, like STOPLifting, should be your court-ordered classes for violations in your court:

#1. Our online courses provide individual, personalized feedback

Evidence shows that one of the most effective strategies for true behavior change and reduced recidivism is personalized feedback.

At 3rd Mil, we use eCHECKUP TO GO to incorporate personalized feedback in our courses. eCHECKUP TO GO is used to provide feedback throughout the course as well as a confidential, personal summary that can be printed and reviewed upon completion of the course.

These summaries are ideal for personal reflection or for participants meeting up with their probation officers to help establish a plan of action for change.

#2. Online education is consistent and scalable

Online education delivers content the same way, every time. Our classes remove the obstacle of trainer ability, skill or qualification (which can negatively or positively affect the effectiveness of a program).

For high school and college administration, this means you can rest assured that the size of your school or budget won’t affect the content your students are receiving. For probation officers and judges, this means that your clients will always be provided with the same evidence-based lessons that reduce recidivism. For the individual wanting to make changes in their lives, this means that you get the same great content that colleges, high schools, and courts use across the country. This means that no matter who takes a 3rd Mil course — students, clients, individuals — will receive the same high-quality content each time.

Read more advantages of online, court-ordered classes by checking out our guide “5 Reasons to Use Online Education”.

We know you want to see fewer offenders in your court, especially repeat offenders. Check out our suite of online courses that cover everything from shoplifting to drug abuse to anger management. Learn more at 3rd Millennium Classrooms.