Protecting Our Teens: The Consequences of Sexting and How to Prevent It

The average American teenager spends at least seven hours a day in front of a screen. Much of this time is spent harmlessly, communicating with friends, playing video games, streaming video, etc. However, unfortunately, there is also a lot of sexting and other risky behavior that happens when teens communicate with each other digitally. Some […]
7 Things We’ve Learned in 25 Years in Behavioral Health

As we celebrate 25 years of service in behavioral health, we’re taking this milestone as an opportunity to reflect on the valuable lessons we’ve learned along the way. We’ve worked with over 4 million individuals in thousands of colleges, secondary schools and courts/agencies in the country. Here are seven essential insights from our journey: 1. […]
Respect and Resolve Vs. Conflict-Wise JV

Developing a healthy style of communication is important to most people and considered a life skill that many desire. This skill can be developed at an early age and many educators are now making it a point to foster communication skills to help their students.
Course Highlight: Respect & Resolve

Do you have students that are struggling with self-esteem? Not sure about how to handle relationships? Dealing with coercive behaviors from boyfriends or girlfriends? Are you looking for a way to meet your school’s health and wellness education requirements? Wondering how best to prepare them for healthy relationships and train them to be more than […]
Back to School Safety Checklist: Healthy Relationships Under Title IX

As you start to plan for the new school year, it’s important to keep in mind the safety of your students. One way you can do that is to help them identify the characteristics of healthy relationships and their rights under Title IX, which prohibit sexual violence, bullying and more.
How High-Risk Behaviors Can Contribute to Relationship Violence

It’s no surprise that individuals who struggle with alcoholism or substance abuse tend to have a harder time controlling their anger. When someone is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, their inhibitions are lowered, and it is harder for them to control their actions. They are more likely to react in violent ways or […]
Course Highlight: Consent & Respect

Are you still looking for a Title IX training solution for your campus? Wondering how best to prepare students for healthy relationships and train them to be more than just bystanders? All the while still meeting your school’s requirements?
Social Pressures Faced by Teens

Teens today face a wide variety of social pressures. These pressures and the way that teens deal with them can have a significant impact on their psychological development as they grow into adults.
Common Issues that Teens Face

While teens today face many of the same challenges that teenagers have always dealt with, it’s safe to say that many common issues today’s teens face are new and evolving. Only a few short decades ago, the most common problems teens faced were starting a family and finding a career path. In fact, the word […]
NO MORE’s 7th Annual Challenge: Change Happens Here

NO MORE’s seventh annual NO MORE Week is March 8-14, 2020. The goal of NO MORE is to bring awareness about sexual violence and to end domestic violence and sexual assault.