It’s no surprise that individuals who struggle with alcoholism or substance abuse tend to have a harder time controlling their anger. When someone is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, their inhibitions are lowered, and it is harder for them to control their actions. They are more likely to react in violent ways or act in a way they wouldn’t normally act.

This anger often, while not always, can result in domestic violence. Domestic violence, also known as intimate partner violence (IPV), refers to any behavior that causes physical, psychological or sexual harm to those in the relationship. It includes physical aggression (slapping, hitting, kicking, beating), psychological abuse (intimidation, constant belittling), forced sexual intercourse or any other controlling behavior (isolation, stalking).  

According to the World Health Organization, “victims believed their partners to have been drinking prior to a physical assault in 55% of cases of intimate partner violence.” For perpetrators, studies show that “heavier, more frequent drinking increases the risk of violence,” and that “Intimate partner violence is more severe and more likely to result in physical injury when the perpetrator has consumed alcohol.”

While alcohol is the most commonly associated factor in intimate partner violence, marijuana is starting to make an appearance in the statistics. According to a recent study by the American Psychological Association, “findings demonstrated that marijuana use was positively and significantly associated with psychological, physical, and sexual intimate partner violence perpetration.”

Help create healthier, safer environments for the friends and families of those around you by using Conflict-Wise to address anger management problems and tackle issues associated with IPV. This course helps individuals recognize the impact of their behavior by examining anger triggers, legal consequences, and effects on health and relationships. Visit to learn more about Conflict-Wise and sign up today!