The holidays are an exciting time for most — it usually means time off from school or work and extra time to relax! Many people head home for the holidays or have friends and family visit them. However, sometimes traveling is too expensive or just not possible. In either case, it can be easy to find yourself without your normal group of friends or unable to spend time with family members. Spending the holidays without these loved ones can leave you feeling lonely, especially if you can’t find a way to communicate with them. Here are some tips for staying in touch and feeling connected over the holidays.

Ways to stay in touch over the holidays

#1 Use video chat or make an old-fashioned phone call.

While this isn’t the same as getting to talk face-to-face, it’s still a great way to connect and catch up. It can also make you feel like you’re in on the festivities; have someone video chat you into the room during special traditions.

#2 See if there’s a time that you can visit each other.

Maybe you can’t make it on the big holiday or stay for very long, but even a short visit is nice. See if there’s a way you can visit them for the weekend or vice versa. Sometimes a neutral location works better if your loved one is too far away.

#3 Send a letter in the mail.

This may sound cheesy, but who doesn’t love getting mail that’s from an actual person? Take the extra time you have during the holidays to hand-write something to a friend or family member.

#4 Send each other your favorite holiday treat.

Again, even better than getting letters in the mail is getting food in the mail! Sharing your favorite holiday treat with others is a fun — and sweet — way to connect with others. Try organizing a cookie exchange with friends and family. This way, everyone will get to try out something new!

#5 If you are not with the friends or family you usually spend the holidays with, plan to get together with someone local.

Even if it’s not your normal group, hanging out with new people can be fun and good for you! It gives you a chance to make new friends and make others feel loved and included over the holidays.

#6 Don’t be afraid to reach out!

If you’re missing your friends or family, chances are, they miss you too! Don’t be afraid to reach out. With all the forms of communication today, it’s not hard to contact them.

By planning a few things to look forward to during the holidays, you can avoid feeling disconnected. Take the extra time you have during the holidays to reach out!


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