Course Highlight: Under the Influence

Under the Influence is a personalized, interaction alcohol intervention course that works for adults and juveniles in courts, high schools, and colleges.
Course Highlight: Greek Wise

Greek Wise is a fraternity and sorority course that addresses social responsibility, alcohol, hazing, and bystander awareness.
How Parent-Child Relationships Impact Students

Parents and guardians play a vital role in their child’s development, in more ways than you may imagine. From an early age, the parent-child relationship influences kids–for better or for worse–across school, home, and other environments. Research shows that when there is a better parent-child relationship, students are more likely to actively engage themselves in […]
Course Highlight: Conflict-Wise

Nearly three out of four Americans personally know someone who is or has been a victim of domestic and/or intimate partner violence.
Course Highlight: Respect & Resolve

Do you have students that are struggling with self-esteem? Not sure about how to handle relationships? Dealing with coercive behaviors from boyfriends or girlfriends? Are you looking for a way to meet your school’s health and wellness education requirements? Wondering how best to prepare them for healthy relationships and train them to be more than […]
Course Highlight: STOPLifting

Do you have offenders with shoplifting violations? If you’re a court looking for an effective, easy-to-set-up intervention for these individuals, check out our course STOPLifting.
Course Highlight: Alcohol Wise

3rd Millennium Classroom’s alcohol prevention course has been used by hundreds across the country. Alcohol Wise utilizes the evidence-based eCHECKUP TO GO brief intervention, proven to reduce high-risk drinking behavior. This online course is short, but effective and uses motivational interviewing to provide personalized feedback. Our cost-effective program reduces negative consequences of drinking and when implemented […]
Course Highlight: Cannabis Wise

More and more states are decriminalizing and legalizing cannabis for recreational use. Cannabis education is increasingly important as perceptions of the risk associated with cannabis use change. Cannabis use can severely impact you and those around you. It can lead to psychosis, impair learning, cause problems later in life, impair driving ability, and more. Educate […]
Course Highlight: Consent & Respect

Are you still looking for a Title IX training solution for your campus? Wondering how best to prepare students for healthy relationships and train them to be more than just bystanders? All the while still meeting your school’s requirements?
Common Issues that Teens Face

While teens today face many of the same challenges that teenagers have always dealt with, it’s safe to say that many common issues today’s teens face are new and evolving. Only a few short decades ago, the most common problems teens faced were starting a family and finding a career path. In fact, the word […]